Monday 6th December
ooofffff Well the Winter season has started and my classes are getting back into their nocturnal rythmn. The snow and rain have fallen hard the last few days & we have gone from -17 to + degrees in the space of a couple of days. Melodie has started back skiing with the club and for once seems to actually be enjoying it and Clementine is struggling with fll blown chicken pocks! We (not the royal but Christian and I) are stuggling with lack of sleep but somewhere in the midst of the general mele of work/season/girls/sickness I have managed to practise some great grounding sessions and cook up a stock of mincemeat, soup and seasonal biscuits. I have even wrapped and packed most of the Christmas pressies & have made a start on the cards for Christmas. So this afternoon I am about to treat myself to a great yoga session at home without the children climbing over me before they return anf the madness begins again!