
Affichage des articles du novembre, 2010

30th November - 1st December 2010

Yoga practise - I'm finding the snow and wind energy quite vibrant but mentally a little disturbing so best to practise slowly, deliberately and use the breath to the full. Take refuge in the grounding poses and breath deeply and slowly. Use strong balance poses or even simple standing poses to strengthen and ground both body and mind.....warrior, triangle, tree, standing triangle balance......and complete your session with a lond-held halasana or legs up the wall. Enjoy and go deep! namaste

30the November 2010

So as you can tell by the gap in entries the life of this yogic mummy is rather frantic with the run up to Christmas, the start of the Winter season for my classes, a workshop I held on Sunday in Val d'Isere and a very busy trip to Paris and London to help plan and sort out my new online projects....more to follow! The girls were glad to have their mummy back and me to see them - melodie has started back skiing and loves it and Clementine has finally started to enjoy the child minders - little Noami helps considerably! The girls are very excited about Christmas so amid yoga plans and accounts and of course my own practise I have found the advent calendar we made last year and will be getting it ready tonight for the first window tomorrow morning. No doubt there will a fight for who opens the window but we shall try and be loving referees as and when we can. Practise this morning at 6.30am was a little harsh but melodie is now walking to the bus on her own so that takes a little of ...

Back from India and Back to Home Life 9th Nov. 2010

So India - quite an adventure and for sure an experience of a lifetime! The girls came to meet me with their papa at the station and since then we have been in a whirlwind of closing the summer house up, moving to the mountains where it has already snowed (quite a change from chennai and the 35 degrees we left only a few days ago) and now installed in Les Brevieres and back to teaching. Trying to keep up the level of practise I had in India but the lack of heat on the body takes it toll - also the girls need my attention often and I am glad to give it as and when work permits......I try and practise with them around so that they don't see yoga as something I do hidden away - in a flat that's not hard anyway as there are no hiding places so postures get used as a climbing framce very often.....Life back to normal I suppose. Classes started today in Ste Foy and Tignes and actually really nice to get back to teaching again....take care all namaste