From Ballet Dancer (in my dreams) to yogini in many little steps
Stuggles and Yogini leaps Elena Brower once said to me the best teachers especially yoga teachers are those who have at one or many points in their life struggled. I wondered if that might be true so I started to check out some people - friends, leaders, other teachers….. The surface level might not show the struggle but dig a little deeper and eye shall find! Charlotte & Elena in Paris October 2014 Many people look at me now and comment on how radiant I look, presume that it has always been so, check out the Facebook page and see the different places I head to and the incredible luck of a lifestyle I have and leap to their own conclusions. That's fine I don't mind. But life has not always been like that and ups and downs, struggles and battles I have had and still work on daily… When I was little I always dreamt about being a dancer, ballet maybe, but light on my feet, beautiful watch moving gracefully around a stage or just a garden. I remember being a...