26th January 2011
oooffff... weell life could not be busier at the moment with amazingly long days. The girls are seeing a little more of their papa this week than me but all is well - gastro bug at the beginning of the week for Melodie but quickly back on track and they are both now well and fine, papa has done a fine job looking after them as always. I've been busy filming sessions and taking footage for the new web site and it has been quite an experience - melodie thinks I look like lady gaga with my head mic for the live sessions. Just finished a long day of filming and photography with megan who is a total star and just back in time to kiss the girls and tuck them in to bed. Such a lovely end to the day - a kiss and hug and quiet whispers good night from my beautiful bunnies - and sometimes one from Christian too! Back to filming tomorrow whilst the girls are at school and childminder and then finished for a while. Off to bed now.....sweet dreams to all...
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